Hey everyone.Whoever you are. If you are anyone at all. Just kidding.
This is the brand new You’ve Changed Records website. The idea is to make this place a site you can go to on a cold night alone at home and to read hopeful news about your favourite bands. We’re sitting in our cold apartments in Montreal, and gettin our guitars fixed in Welland, walkee-talkee-ing back and forth all day, trying to make our dreams come true. Taking turns working shifts at the record store.
We’ve got a very exciting spring to think about, and wanted to share the reasons for excitement, with you, dear reader. First of all, we are to be releasing two very special records. On March 10th, Shotgun Jimmie‘s future classic Still Jimmie will be in stores across the nation. People of Canada, rejoice for this one. Jim will be going on tour with Attack in Black in the U.S. and Canada to follow up that release.
Then, on April 14th, we’ll be releasing a split album of Attack in Black and Baby Eagle playing each others’ songs. It’s great. You guys have no idea!
Hope you all are keepin’ warm.