We are very happy to announce You’ve Changed’s first book project: Shuvinai Ashoona & Shary Boyle – Universal Cobra. This beautifully printed full colour 48 page softcover collects individual works on paper from these renowned artists, and a series of spectacular collaborative drawings from the November 2015 exhibition at Pierre-Francois Ouellette art contemporain, Montreal. Universal Cobra is a limited edition of 200 copies, available from our mailorder shop.
In the 2009 exhibition Noise Ghost, held at the University of Toronto’s Justina M Barnicke gallery, curator Nancy Campbell paired the drawings of Shuvinai Ashoona and Shary Boyle. It was the first time the artists had encountered each other’s work. In 2011 Boyle traveled to Cape Dorset in Nunavut to meet Ashoona and draw for three weeks alongside the artists of Kinngait studios. During that trip Ashoona and Boyle made their first drawing on the same page: Ashoona titled it Universal Cobra Pussy. Over the next few years, during her rare trips south, Ashoona would visit Boyle in Toronto. Boyle mailed up posters and books of her work, and sent postcards.
In late summer of 2015, Shary Boyle made four drawings in Montreal and left sections of each blank. Simultaneously, Shuvinai Ashoona made three in Cape Dorset, leaving regions of white space. Boyle flew to Baffin Island in late September 2015, and for five days they worked again at the Kinngait studios. Swapping drawings, Ashoona and Boyle completed each other’s images, occasionally going back onto the same page while the other was working.
In November 2015 the artists came together in Montreal to present Universal Cobra, an exhibition of drawings, sculptures and collaborative drawings co-presented by Feheley Fine Arts & Pierre-Francois Ouellette art contemporain.
More details, and a whole lot of amazing art, can be found at: www.sharyboyle.com
Please join us for the Universal Cobra book launch at Feheley Fine Arts, 65 George Street, Toronto, Ontario on Saturday, February 6, 3-5 pm.
In addition to Universal Cobra, we are also pleased to make available through the Mailorder Store The Illuminations Project, Shary Boyle and Emily Vey Duke’s 10 year long collaborative writing and drawing exchange published in 2015 by Oakville Galleries.
Top image: Self Portrait, Shuvinai Ashoona and Shary Boyle, 2015. Ink, guache, coloured pencil on paper, 107 x 86 cm