January 17, 2025 | Posted in: Blog, The Burning Hell 0

The Burning Hell have been writing party anthems about the apocalypse since before the apocalypse arrived at the party. With “Ghost Palace,” the band presents their most joyful collection of songs about death to date, always finding something to smile about in the decay. Mathias Kom’s maximalist lyrics are underlined with fluorescent highlighter, with surprising twists and turns through pop culture, animal life, history, architecture, and science fiction. Pathos and bathos vie for equal time, the sublime snuggling up with the trivial, revealing moments of humour and beauty in the mire.

But “Ghost Palace” doesn’t dwell directly on the end of the world. Instead, the songs assume that our time running out is a foregone conclusion, and focus instead on what we might leave behind when we go, what might endure, and what surprises might be found amidst the remnants. Memory and the debatable usefulness of nostalgia are primary concerns here, peppered with occasional suggestions that we just might still contain the tiny, hopeful seeds of our own redemption through community and balance.

Though the core of the band remains the duo of Mathias Kom and Ariel Sharratt, working from their home in the woods of eastern Prince Edward Island, frequent collaborator Jake Nicoll produced and mixed “Ghost Palace”, and newest band member Maria Peddle added fiddle and vocals. The band solicited additional help from Steven Lambke (lead guitar), Carlie Howell (double bass), Amy Nicoll (oboe) and José Contreras (organ).

“Ghost Palace” offers a densely layered journey, with genre-crossing elements and instrumentation, and frequent nods to unexpected influences. “Brazil Nuts and Blue Curaçao” is the band’s take on “Margaritaville” for the post-apocalyptic vacationer, a beach jam about an abandoned resort where – in spite of collapse and ruin – a kind of broken utopia emerges.

Elsewhere, the band finds things to dance about in the scrap-pile of human memory. “Bottle of Chianti, Cheese and Charcuterie Board” is an off-kilter synth and double-bass hip-shaker about the ways we reduce our lives to the fragments of bourgeois luxury that we can’t take with us when we go. “Summer Olympics” is a rock song about the strange, hyper-specific moments that stick in our minds, hinting that details might be more important than the broader strokes of time.

But instead of taking an entirely dim view of our collective humanity, The Burning Hell searches for (and always finds) things to celebrate. “Celebrities in Cemeteries” is a joyful ode to the relationship between fame and mortality, and the ways our death rituals can retroactively beautify and dramatize a life. “Duck vs. Decorated Shed” is a country song that takes the ground-breaking architectural theories of Rob Venturi and Denise Scott Brown as a metaphor for not being afraid of showing the world exactly what you are.

“Ghost Palace” also wonders at the post-planet future. After we finish making Earth uninhabitable for ourselves, where do we go, and who gets to go there? “My Home Planet” is sung from the perspective of two Earthlings arriving on a new world, trying to convince the local administration to let them stay in spite of how badly they’ve botched things back home. “Luna FM” is the story of the first radio station on the moon, helmed by the galaxy’s loneliest DJ.

Finally, long after we’re gone, what if the last creature that remembers our species is a small brown bird at an abandoned service station? And what happens when the bird gets distracted by something shiny, and forgets all about us? “Strange Paradise” is a eulogy for our fragments, dressed in a rickety skeleton of acoustic noise. Album-closer “Ghost Palace” is a farewell to the abandoned castle of our memories: “We’ll leave all the lights on / We’ll see them shine for a while, after we’ve gone…” Goodbye, cool world!

The Burning Hell – Ghost Palace

Celebrities in Cemeteries
My Home Planet
Brazil nuts and Blue Curacao
Luna FM
What Does It Do and How Does It Works
Bottle Of Chianti, Cheese, and Charcuterie Board
Summer Olympics
Duck Vs. Decorated Shed
Birds Of Australia
Strange Paradise
Ghost Palace

Available March 7, 2025



January 10, 2025 | Posted in: Apollo Ghosts, Blog 0

Bowing to popular demand and the insurmountable demands of musical enthusiasm and joy we have pressed Apollo Ghosts 7 song jangle garage ripper Amethyst to 10 full inches of sweet black vinyl! The perfect one-size-fits all physical manifestation of an album previously only heard in the digital realms. Our dreams made true!

Apollo Ghosts – Amethyst 10″
In stores January 10, 2025
Limited to 300 copies worldwide

With distortion pedals and walls of feedback, Apollo Ghosts – “Amethyst,” overflows with introspection, defiance, and the frustration of grappling with the world’s ills, contrasting the monotony of daily life with climate anxiety, the rise of autocracies with the rise of apathy. But throughout, the album cements Apollo Ghosts’ status as lifelong underground music defenders and eternal optimists. There are plenty of nods to 90s indie rock heroes Yo La Tengo, Dead Moon, Pavement, Guided By Voices, Eric’s Trip, and Built To Spill.

Amethyst isn’t just purple quartz, it’s a talisman that protects you from the the dangers of overindulgence. It turns thought into action. Wear an amethyst crystal, crank the crappy Peavy amp, record an album over a weekend. Bring it to an island, carry it through the forest, and spend the day ripping out invasive plants. Wildfires will still burn and storm surges won’t stop eroding our shorelines, but maybe an amethyst amulet will remind you to stay awake and keep fighting for a more just world.

Apollo Ghosts – Amethyst
10″ Vinyl / Digital

Ripping Invasives
Fake Nurse
Sunset Over Ikea
Strawberry Moon
Faded Neil Young Shirt
Rave Heaven
No One Knows Your Mind

New Music: Julianna Riolino – All Blue

New Music: Julianna Riolino – All Blue

June 23, 2022 | Posted in: Blog 0

ALL BLUE is the debut solo album by Julianna Riolino, the “white-hot-lunged vocalist” (New Commute) best known for her increasingly prominent role as a member of Daniel Romano’s Outfit, including a star turn on lead vocals on the 2021 hit “The Motions” and where she displays a nightly mastery of the stage.

Photo by Carson McHone

Julianna Riolino has a rare ability to re-envision the warmest strands of musical sepia and put her own individualist stamp on them, mixing a hefty dose of wit and wordplay into pitch-perfect representations of classic Americana tropes, sung in a powerful and unique voice, rich in character and attitude. She knows how to capture and highlight beauty before it fades. She spent her days running up to the recording of her solo debut helping restore the stained glass windows at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto. Surrounded by symbols configured in bits of 19th century French glass, Riolino couldn’t help but reflect on her own past and the memories of pains, healing, and love strewn through it. “It made me think about life as a balancing act, and we’re all just trying to do our best to navigate it,” she says. That focus on morality and the stretch of time seeped naturally into Riolino’s songwriting, resulting in the golden, fluid All Blue: “If I was a painter, this would be my blue period,” she says. “I’m looking at my life, all my decisions lined up, and either atoning for them or laughing them off.”

Masterfully recorded by producer Aaron Goldstein, and featuring Julianna’s Outfit bandmates in support roles, All Blue marks the arrival of a stunning songwriter, singer, and performer into the spotlight.

Watch the video for the first single “Lone Ranger” now!

Juliann Riolino – All Blue
October 14, 2022

Available direct from You’ve Changed Records

LIVE VIDEOS: Julie Doiron at the “I Thought Of You” release show!

LIVE VIDEOS: Julie Doiron at the “I Thought Of You” release show!

January 4, 2022 | Posted in: Blog, Julie Doiron 0

Welcome to the New Year, from Julie Doiron and You’ve Changed Records!

As so many of us are in various stages of separation and isolation, and with the dream of a return of live music and communal experience postponed again, we want to share some recordings from Julie’s album release show at the Horseshoe Tavern in December. Julie was joined by Dany Placard on bass and vocals, Daniel Romano on lead guitar, and Ian Romano on drums.

This was a beautiful, truly special show, that happened in the small window of optimism and opening this past fall, before new variants and bad governance led us back into darkness….

Camera and Editing:
Colin Medley

Audio Recording and Mixing:
Sebastian Palfery

“Thought Of You” appears on the album I Thought of You
available on LP/CD/Digital formats from You’ve Changed Records



July 7, 2021 | Posted in: Blog, Jon Mckiel 0

Music manifesting on the light spectrum! You can hear with your eyes!

Jon Mckiel and director Andrea Thorne debut an “[official video]” for “Morning Dove” from the Bobby Joe Hope LP.

the unsponsored sun / where the carnival was / sisters grimm swimming in glitches / a kaleidoscope collapses / one trick mirror / trees and things and flowers

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