January 10, 2025 | Posted in: Apollo Ghosts, Blog 0

Bowing to popular demand and the insurmountable demands of musical enthusiasm and joy we have pressed Apollo Ghosts 7 song jangle garage ripper Amethyst to 10 full inches of sweet black vinyl! The perfect one-size-fits all physical manifestation of an album previously only heard in the digital realms. Our dreams made true!

Apollo Ghosts – Amethyst 10″
In stores January 10, 2025
Limited to 300 copies worldwide

With distortion pedals and walls of feedback, Apollo Ghosts – “Amethyst,” overflows with introspection, defiance, and the frustration of grappling with the world’s ills, contrasting the monotony of daily life with climate anxiety, the rise of autocracies with the rise of apathy. But throughout, the album cements Apollo Ghosts’ status as lifelong underground music defenders and eternal optimists. There are plenty of nods to 90s indie rock heroes Yo La Tengo, Dead Moon, Pavement, Guided By Voices, Eric’s Trip, and Built To Spill.

Amethyst isn’t just purple quartz, it’s a talisman that protects you from the the dangers of overindulgence. It turns thought into action. Wear an amethyst crystal, crank the crappy Peavy amp, record an album over a weekend. Bring it to an island, carry it through the forest, and spend the day ripping out invasive plants. Wildfires will still burn and storm surges won’t stop eroding our shorelines, but maybe an amethyst amulet will remind you to stay awake and keep fighting for a more just world.

Apollo Ghosts – Amethyst
10″ Vinyl / Digital

Ripping Invasives
Fake Nurse
Sunset Over Ikea
Strawberry Moon
Faded Neil Young Shirt
Rave Heaven
No One Knows Your Mind